Til hamingju við öll!

Ferðamálastofu berast á hverju ári fjöldi fyrirspurna og frásagna frá innlendum og erlendum ferðamönnum.
Nú er það svo að okkur er tamara að ræða um það sem miður hefur farið og hvernig við getum bætt þjónustuna, sem er hið besta mál upp að vissu marki.
En margt er vel gert og eftir því er tekið eins og meðfylgjandi bréf ber með sér. Þannig að þið sem starfið í og við ferðaþjónustu á Íslandi, til hamingju og höldum áfram á braut gæða og góðrar þjónustu.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I came back from a 12-days-trip through your wonderful country yesterday and I am still very impressed by the beautiful landscape and friendly people I met.
Here in Germany I work in the local tourism development and I studied tourism, that´s why I have a special "touristic look" while travelling.
I was deeply impressed by your perfect infrastructure from which we can learn a lot over here in Germany. We travelled around the Ringroad by car and I was very thankful for all these very good unitary signs and special informationboards in several languages. My mother was very thankful for all the warm and clean toilets she found everywhere.
People in all hotels and hostels where we stayed were very friendly and helpful and accomodation was really good as well as the food was.
I want to thank you for providing all this which made our trip unforgettable and for sure I am going to come back and tell my friends to do so.
Best wishes,
Meike Knop