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Annual reassesment of package travel security for travel agencies - annual reporting

The deadline for filing for annual reassessment of package travel securites for travel agencies is April 1st each year. The filing is done through the Icelandic Tourist Board´s web-portal,  

Links to instructuions (in Icelandic) on the filing and educational videos can be found on the Icelandic part of the web.

Please note that the filing is not completed automatically upon payment. To complete the filing after the payment for the administrative fee has gone through, it is necessary to go one step back and confirm the submission (see instructions ). The filing is not complete until a confirmation of submitting the documents is shown on the screen.

The online filing is accessed using electronic ID. When filing for a company (legal person) a representative of the company who is registered as authorised signatory, logs into and selects the respective company. If the representative doing the filing does not already have a mandate an authorised signatory can grant that person a mandate electronically. Mandates are granted through Directions on how to grant a mandate can be found here.When granting a mandate make sure to select "Ferðamálastofa" from the drop down list.

When the mandate has been granted the person filing for the annual reassessment logs in using his/her electronic ID and chooses the appropriate company.

The annual premium to the Travel Insurance fund is 2,5% of the security amount for the year 2024, for further information refer to "calculation of security and annual premium".

Travel Agencies are required to provide insolvency protection in accordance with Act No. 95/2018 on package travel and linked travel arrangements and accompanying Regulation No. 812/2021 on the Travel Insurance Fund.

The term Travel Agency refers to traders that sell package travels and linked travel arrangements. Traders are organizers, retailers, or both.

It is important that managers and representatives of travel agencies have familiarized themselves with laws and regulations applying to their operations, and that all information provided is correct and in accordance with current legal requirements.

Please bear in mind that the Icelandic Tourist Board can cancel a licence or impose administrative fines on a travel agency that has provided false or inadequate information required for the determination of premiums and insurance, regardless of whether violations are committed wilfully or by negligence.

An intentional violation or violation that is the result of gross negligence, can result in fines or imprisonment of up to two years, in the case of a serious offence.

Forms for submission of turnover breakdown and other data, instructions on how to fill out the forms and a link to submit the forms, can be found under “Documents to be submitted for the annual reassessment of the security amount.”


Membership of the Travel Insurance Fund

Membership of the Travel Insurance Fund is mandatory.

The sale of package travel and linked travel arrangements is subject to licence according to Act no. 96/2018 on the Icelandic Tourist Board.  

Any entity or person who organizes and sells package travel or facilitates linked travel arrangements must hold a travel agency licence and be a member of the Travel Insurance Fund.

Members of the Travel Insurance Fund must provide a package travel security according to the decision of the Icelandic Tourist Board, pay a base charge (first five years of operation) and an annual premium to the Fund.

The amount of the security and the annual premium are based on the turnover of the travel agency, that is subject to insolvency protection, according to the documents submitted.

Base Charge  

Members of the Travel Insurance Fund (Travel Agencies) must pay a base charge to the Fund. The base charge is non refundable and is added to the Fund's capital.

The base charge is 1,5% of the highest calculated base security amount (GT) during the first five yeara of operation. The base charge for the first year of operation, i.e. the year the licence is granted, is 1,5% of the calculated GT for tat year. The following four years of operations the base charge is 1,5% of the difference between the base security amount (GT) of each year and the highest base security amount GT) of previous years of operations. Please refer to "Calculation of security and annual premium" for further information on calculating the base charge.

  • Base charge year one (1): 1,5% of GT for the year
  • Base charge year two (2): 1,5% of the difference between GT year one and GT year two
  • Base charge year three (3): 1,5% of the difference between GT year three (3) and the higher of the two GT year one (1) or GT year two (1)
  • Base charge year four (4): 1,5% of the difference between GT year four and the highest of GT year three, year two, and year one
  • Base charge year five (5): 1,5% of the difference between GT year five and the highest of GT year four, year three, year two, and year one

Please note that no receipts are issued for the payment of the base charge to the Travel Insurance Fund. Instead, a printout of the decision letter announcing the amount and/or a payment receipt from an online bank can be used as supporting documents in bookkeeping.

Administrative fees

The Icelandic Tourist Board is authorized to charge fees to cover the cost of processing applications for membership of the fund, of annual reassessment of premiums, security and base charge, and administrative costs of the Travel Insurance Fund.

The administrative fees are:

  • ISK 35.000 if the total turnover from the previous year, subject to insolvency protection is up to ISK 300 million.
  • ISK 75.000 if the total turnover from the previous year, subject to insolvency protection is above ISK 300 million.

Which turnover is subject to insolvency protection

Turnover from package travel and linked travel arrangements is subject to insolvency protection.

Package travel

All payments received by a trader for the sales of package travel are subject to insolvency protection. Traders of package travel can be organizers or retailers.

For definition of package travel see here

Linked travel arrangements

Payments received by the travel agency, that facilitates linked travel arrangements, are subject to insolvency protection.

If the travel agency, facilitating linked travel arrangement, does not collect any payments the tour is not subject to insolvency protection.  

For definition of linked travel arrangement see here

Exempt from insolvency protection

The following are exempt from insolvency protection:

  • Tours of duration less than 24 hours, unless overnight accommodation is included,
  • Tours that are offered occasionally (non-regular tours) and on a not-for-profit basis and only to a limited group of travellers,
  • Tours purchased in relation to the purchaser’s trade or business on the basis of a general contract.


Which party should provide the protection?

The following diagrams show which party should provide insolvency protection and who is responsible for a package tour that is sold by another travel agency than the organizer:

Retail or B2B, no intermediary
Retail or B2B through intermediary (sales web or platform)


The organizer is responsible for the insolvency protection for all package-travel the organizer compiles, offers for sale or sells.

The organizer is responsible for the insolvency protection for all package travel that the organizer sells directly to customers.

The organizer is also responsible for the insolvency protection for package travel organised by him/her and sold by others.

  • In this instance, the travel agency selling the package travel is considered a retailer.
  • The same travel agency can be an organizer of its own tours and at the same time be a retailer selling package travel for other travel agencies. 

The organizer of package travel can enter into a contract with a retailer stating that the retailer is responsible for insolvency protection of package travel compiled by the organizer but sold by the retailer.

  • Such contracts can only be made with retailers within the EEA.
  • If a contract is made with a retailer outside the EEA, the organizer is still responsible for providing insolvency protection.
  • The organizer must be able to present a contract, if requested. Otherwise, the total turnover falls under the insolvency protection of the organizer.

For definition of organizer, see here.


A retailer must hold a travel agency licence, be a member of the Travel Insurance Fund, provide security, and pay annual premium.

  • A retailer selling package travel on behalf of an organizer is not responsible for insolvency protection for the tours he sells.
  • The insolvency protection rests with the organizer unless the retailer takes on the insolvency protection by contract.
  • A retailer who acts as an agent, solely selling package travel organised by a third party, and therefore not responsible for the insolvency protection, must hold a travel agency licence since the sale of package travel is subject to licence.

For definition of retailer, see here.

Accounting and bookkeeping

Bookkeeping must be in accordance with the Regulation on the Travel Insurance Fund.

Special care must be taken to register monthly income (and expenditures) correctly throughout the fiscal year.

  • All payments received either for the sale of package travels or for the facilitation of linked travel arrangements, must be recorded the month the tour is performed, irrespective of when the payments are received.
  • The same applies to costs of package travel, those must be recorded in the month the travel is performed, irrespective of when the costd are paid.
  • It is illegal to distribute (equalize) income from package travel and linked travel arrangements over the fiscal year.
  • The income from package travel and linked travel arrangements shall be easily distinguishable from other operations in the accounts of travel agencies.
  • The accounting system of travel agencies must show, in a distinguishable way, the distribution of monthly income and expenses.

It is highly important that income and expenditures related to package travel and linked travel arrangements are correctly recorded in the books. Expenditures that are not recorded in the month the tour it relates to is performed, lead to imbalance in the books that can result in the working capital ratio (VFH) being calculated lower than the operations warrant. Travel agencies must regard pre-paid expenses as supplies and record as current claims.

Example: A tour is performed in February 2025, income for the tour is recorded int the books in February. The travel agency paid for airline tickets for the tour in November 2024. Travellers paid deposits in 2024. The travellers’ deposits show up in the annual accounts as short term debts, but the books show no claims against these debts. If the pre-paid cost is recorded correctly, i.e. in February 2025 the books will show claims that offset the short term debts and the working capital ratio better reflects the financial standing of the company.

Annual accounts (Year end financial statements)

  • Please note that the deadline for submitting annual accounts to the Icelandic Tourist Board is different from that for submitting to the Iceland Revenue and Customs.
  • Special regulations apply to the submission of annal accounts of travel agencies to the Icelandic Tourist Board, those regulations precede the general Act on annual accounts.

Calculation of security and annual premium

The Icelandic Tourist Board determines the amount of security and annual premium on the basis of the documents provided.

Amount of security:

The amount of the security is based on income subject to insolvency protection.

When assessing the security amount, the following values are determined:

  • G: a base figure which is the average turnover subject to insolvency protection of the two highest-income months of the preceding and current fiscal years.
  • N: Weighted average number of days from full payment until the start of a tour, if a package tour is paid for in two or more instalments excluding the initial confirmation deposit, the N value must be calculated based on the percentage of the total price received any given point in time.
  • h: Average proportion of confirmation payments of total payments,
  • d: Weghted average duration of tours in days.

The values are determined for the preceding and current fiscal years. Sample calculation of N and d can be found here.

A base security amount GT is calculated using the following formula: GT = G*(N/30)+G*h+G*d/30.

Also, to be determined is the previous year’s turnover subject to insolvency protection (V), and the ratio a(V). 

The ratio a(V) shall be:

12% if the annual turnover is less than 300 million ISK, 
12% - 6%*(V-300 million ISK)/700 million ISK if V is between 300 million ISK and 1 billion ISK,
6% - 2%*(V-1 billion ISK)/1 Billion ISK if V is between 1 and 2 billion ISK 
Max(4% - 2%*(V-2 billion ISK)/3 billion ISK, 2%) if V is above 2 billion ISK

The security amount T is calculated T = a(V)*GT.

The results from the preceding year and the current year shall be compared and the higher figure shall be the amount of the security.

The minimum security amount is ISK 500.000.  

Annual premiums:

Members of the Travel Insurance Fund pay an annual premium. The proportion of the premium is determined by the board of directors and can be between 2,5% and 10% of the security amount.

The Travel Insurance Fund´s board of directors has determined the annual premium for the year 2024 at 2,5%. 

For examples of how the calculation of the base security, security and premium see here.

Due date of the premium and the deadline to submit new security is September 1st annually.

Decisions on securities and premiums are presented to travel agencies are published in the digital mailboxes of travel agencies no later than four weeks prior to the due date. Notification of publication is sent automatically from to the authorized signatory of the company.

Paid premiums are non-refundable and are not repaid should a travel agency cease operations within the year that premium has been paid for.

If a trader neglects to pay premium on the due date or fails to provide security, the Icelandic Tourist Board is authorized to cancel the trader´s travel agency licence along with membership of the Travel Insurance Fund.

Please note that no receipts are issued for the payment of the premium. Instead, a printout of the decision letter announcing the amount of security and annual premium and/or payment receipt from an online bank can be used as supporting documents in bookkeeping.

Authority to raise the amount of security

Travel agencies must report to the Icelandic Tourist Board if it is foreseeable that turnover subject to insolvency protection will be significantly higher than specified in the documents submitted for the assessment of package travel security. In these cases, the Icelandic Tourist Board may call for the security to be increased. The new security is calculated based on formula in Article 7 of the regulation.

The Icelandic Tourist Board is authorized to require a higher security from travel agencies if their operations are considered to entail special risk based on financial and operational standing. When raising securities based on the financial standing of travel agencies the Icelandic Tourist Board must apply pre-determined parameters, signed by the Minister.

For further information on the raising of securities, see here.

If there is reason to presume that the documents submitted will lead to the need for insolvency protection to be underestimated, the Icelandic Tourist Board can demand a higher security than the amount ensuing from Article 7. In this case the security amount can be determined as high as the calculated base security.
If the security amount is raised, the annual premium will be raised accordingly.
Travel agencies must provide all documents and information needed for assessing the need for higher security to the Icelandic Tourist Board.

Documents and information to be submitted for the annual reassessment of the security amount

In accordance with Regulation No. 812/2021, members of the Travel Insurance Fund must submit the following documents and information no later than April 1st each year:

  1. An annual financial report that complies with the Annual Accounts Act, which shall, as appropriate, be signed by an auditor or examiner. Microcompanies are permitted to submit an operating statement and statement of financial position based on the company’s tax return;
  2. A statement of the monthly turnover of the preceding year of operation, where the turnover from sales of package travel, on the one hand, and from sales of linked travel arrangements, on the other hand, are segregated from other turnover. The statement shall be confirmed by a certified public accountant or examiner. In the case of microcompanies, the managing director is permitted to confirm the statement;
  3. A statement of the estimated monthly turnover of the preceding year of operation, where the estimated turnover from sales of package travel, on the one hand, and sales of linked travel arrangements, on the other hand, are segregated;*
  4. Confirmation by a certified public accountant, examiner or, as appropriate, managing director, that the accounts of the entity are kept in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation;
  5. A statement for the preceding and current year of operation of the proportion of confirmation deposits of the total price of packages and the number of days prior to the start of packages that they are fully paid;
  6. A statement for the preceding and current year of the number of packages, listed by month, disclosing their duration, number of travellers, and whether packages are being sold by a retailer on behalf of the organiser and, if so, information on the retailer, a statement of the packages sold by the retailer, and which of the two parties fulfils the obligation to provide insolvency protection with respect to the packages sold by the retailer;
  7. Information on whether a party that is required to provide insolvency protection executes any of the travel-related service forming a part of a package or linked travel arrangement that the member sells.

*Forecast of turnover for the current year should be as accurate as possible. Turnover for the first months of the year should be close to real numbers since the filing for annual reassessment is normally done at the end of March and at that time numbers for the first months should be available. 

The documents and information must be submitted through the Icelandic Tourist Board web portal

Please note that if the person doing the filing is not an authorised signatory, that person must be granted a mandate to do so. 

Instructions (in Icelandic) on the filing can be found here.

Information regarding turnover subject to insolvency protection and turnover exempt from insolvency protection as well as information on sellers responsible for package travel security for tours sold by the travel agency, is registered directly into online forms

The following documents must be uploaded to the web portal:

  • Annual financial statement for the previous year
  • Confirmation, that the bookkeeping and accounts are kept in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the Travel Insurance Fund and that the breakdown of last year’s turnover is correct. (The statement can be downloaded from the web portal after the breakdown of turnover for the previous year has been completed, the signed statement must then be uploaded)

In addition to documents stipulated in the Regulation the following must be uploaded:

A key role of the board of directors of the Travel Insurance Fund is to protect the interest of the Fund and its members, decide on the percentage of premium each year, and assess the potential risk of outflows from the fund, taking into consideration the risks associated with the operations of travel agencies. In order for the board of directors to fulfill their duties they request that travel agencies submit debt certificates for public charges and pension fund charges.

The Icelandic Tourist Board will call for additional documents and information if necessary.

Special attention is drawn to the fact that the Icelandic Tourist Board can impose administrative fines or cancel the licence of a travel agency that provides wrong or incomplete information for the assessment of the amounts of the annual premium and security, regardless of whether violations are committed wilfully or negligently. A legal person may be subjected to fines pursuant to the provisions of the Penal Code No. 19/1940.

Violations that are committed wilfully or as the result of gross negligence can result in fines or up two years of imprisonment in the case of serious offenses.

Deadline for submitting documents

  • All travel agencies must submit documents and information for the annual reassessment of package travel security no later than April 1st each year.
  • Please note that the deadline is mandatory according to law, thus travel agencies must make sure that their annual financial report is completed and signed no later than April 1st each year. In the case of micro-companies an operating statement and a statement of financial position based on the company’s tax return must be completed no later than April 1st.
  • It is not possible to grant any exceptions from the deadline since it is mandatory by law. The Travel Insurance Fund offers mutual insolvency protection for Travel Agencies. Proportionality must be observed, and all members must be subject to the same rules.

Travel agencies that have not filed for annual reassessment and submitted all required documents on April 1st, will be referred for decision on penalties and possible cancellation of their licence.

Electronic Mandate

Please note that if the person submitting the documents for annual reassessment is other than a legal representative and authorised signatroy of the company, that individual must have and electronic mandate.

The online filing is accessed using electronic ID. When filing for a company (legal person) a representative of the company who is registered as authorised signatory, logs into and selects the respective company. If the representative doing the filing is not an authorised signatory and does not already have a mandate, an authorised signatory can grant that person a mandate electronically. Mandates are granted through Directions on how to grant a mandate can be found here.

When the mandate has been granted the person filing for the annual reassessment logs in using his/her electronic ID and chooses the appropriate company.

Duty to report increased turnover

Travel agencies, in accordance with Article 10. of regulation on the Travel Insurance Fund no. 812/2021, are obliged to report to the Icelandic Tourist Board if it is foreseeable that turnover subject to package travel security will be significantly higher than indicated in the information that their current security amount is based on.

Travel agencies are legally obliged to report increased turnover, irrespective of the nature of their operations or the time of year the increase occurs. The security amount in effect at any given time remains valid until the next decision is made. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that this amount accurately reflects the actual risks of individual operations and is based on information that are correct and up to date.

It is important to emphasize that all expected sales should be included in the forecasted turnover, not just tours that have already been booked or sold at the time the forecast is made. During the annual reassessment of package travel security, the information provided is compared with the data submitted during previous year´s reassessment. To verify that travel agencies have fulfilled their obligations regarding package travel security, the actual turnover of last fiscal year is compared to the forecast submitted during the previous year´s annual reassessment. In the event of a substantial deviation, the agency in question will be subject to investigation by the Icelandic Tourist Board.

Increased turnover should be reported via e-mail to The forecasted turnover for the current year is to be reported per month. The Icelandic Tourist Board determines whether the updated forecast warrants a reassessment of the package travel security amount and will provide appropriate guidance on the next steps.

Failure to report increased turnover is considered misuse of the Travel Insurance fund and may result in administrative fines and/or other penalties depending on the circumstances and severity of the case.

Forecasts of turnover should be as accurate as possible. Turnover for the first months of the year should closely reflect actual numbers since the filing for annual reassessment is normally done at the end of March, by which time data for the first months should be available. Therefore, special attention is given to significant deviations in the figures for January, February, and March. A forecast that is lower than the previous year’s actual turnover may raise questions, as will significant deviation in monthly forecasts compared to sales in the same months of the previous year. Although the whole year may not be fully planned when the forecast is submitted in late March or early April, projections for the following months have started to take shape. If it becomes clear that turnover subject to insolvency protection will be significantly higher than the forecast, this must be promptly reported to the Icelandic Tourist Board. The Icelandic Tourist Board advises travel agencies to report increased turnover when in doubt. It is better to report more frequently. Reporting does not automatically result in an increase in the required insurance amount as each case is assessed separately.

Monitoring by The Icelandic Tourist Board

The Icelandic Tourist Board, pursuant to Act No. 95/2018, oversees the compliance of travel agencies with legal requirements related to insolvency protection and the security of package travel and linked travel arrangements. This involves verifying the accuracy of information submitted by travel agencies during the annual reassessment of their package travel security and the annual premium to the Travel Insurance Fund. The objective is to ensure that the operational risks of each agency are accurately reflected in their security amount, annual premium, and base fee.

The purpose of this monitoring is to minimize the risk of financial loss to the Travel Insurance Fund and to ensure that the fund is at any given time capable of fulfilling its responsibilities and obligations.

The Travel Insurance Fund is a mutual insurance Fund with a minimum amount mandated by law. If the fund's balance falls below this minimum or if it must secure a loan to settle legitimate claims from travellers, the board of directors is authorized to increase the annual premium percentage until the fund meets its minimum requirement and all debts are cleared. Thus, the financial loss, insolvency, or bankruptcy of one member can directly impact all members, it is therefore in their collective interest that decisions regarding security amounts, annual premiums, and base charges are based on the most accurate and reliable information available.

The Icelandic Tourist Board is authorized to request any documents and information it deems necessary from licensed entities to ensure that security amounts comply with current legislation.

The Board´s monitoring activities include both parallel monitoring, during the annual reassessments of package travel securities, and follow-up investigations after the completion of the annual reassessment process.

Parallel monitoring

All decisions regarding the amounts of package travel security, annual premiums and base charges must prioritize the interests of the Travel Insurance Fund, which align with the collective interests of its members. The operational risks associated with the operations each fund member as well as the corresponding security amounts (requirements?) must be thoroughly evaluated. The Icelandic Tourist Board is legally obligated to assess these risks and make informed decisions based on accurate assessments. Therefore, it is crucial that the information provided by fund members are correct and reliable to ensure a precise evaluation of operational risks.

During parallel monitoring, focus is placed on the following:

  • Ensuring that all required documents have been submitted and meet formal requirements.
  • Verifying that the information provided regarding number of days from full payment until the start of a tour, as well as confirmation deposits, align with the travel agency’s terms and conditions and information submitted during previous annual reassessments.
  • Checking the price per person for various tours or tour types.
  • Comparing the forecasted turnover for the current year with the travel offers on the travel agency´s website and other online platforms.
  • Comparing the forecasted turnover for the current year with the actual turnover from the previous year.
  • Assessing the financial and operational strength of travel agencies. If the financial and operational standing of a travel agency is assessed as weak, the Icelandic Tourist Board may increase the security amount to protect the Travel Insurance Fund.

Explanations and corrections are requested if any of the above are incomplete or insufficient. If adequate explanations are not provided, the travel agency is flagged for inspection, provided that the security amount can still be determined based on the submitted documents.

In addition, the following is checked, and agencies are marked for inspection in case of discrepancies:

  • The actual turnover for the previous year is compared with the forecast submitted during last year´s reassessment.
  • If a travel agency has submitted an interim financial statement in connection with a request to revise the previous year´s decision on package travel security, the interim statement is compared with the year-end financial statement to ensure consistency.
  • Turnover reported as exempt from insolvency protection is cross-checked against information available on the agency’s website and other promotional materials to ensure consistency and compliance.
    • If package travel is reported as being covered under the security of other sellers, the documents and information provided by those sellers are thoroughly examined for verification.
    • Turnover registered as exempt from insolvency protection is compared to information presented on the agency´s website and in other promotional materials.



Travel agencies subject to inspection in any given year include the following:

  • Agencies flagged marked for inspection during the annual reassessment process.
  • Randomized sample: A randomized sample of agencies holding valid licences (including those issued within the same year), excluding agencies already flagged for inspection.
  • Agencies with the highest turnover subject to insolvency protection based on actual figures from the previous year, provided they have not already been marked for inspection or included in the random sample.

The Icelandic Tourist Board may furthermore decide to inspect agencies engaged in specific types of operations type of travel etc.). All agencies within the selected category are inspected. This includes a thorough review of their promotional materials (website and other available media), as well as the documents submitted for annual reassessment. These reviews are followed up by inquiries into their operations to ensure compliance and accuracy.

During the inspection process all agencies meeting the criteria for inspection undergo a comprehensive review. This includes an investigation of the documents submitted during the annual reassessment, as well as examination of information available on their websites and in other promotional materials. Cases are then prioritized, and decisions are made regarding the necessity and type of further inspection.

If the inspection of an agency reveals that the agency’s representatives have violated their obligation to provide accurate information by submitting wrong or insufficient data, resulting in their insurance and annual premium being determined lower than warranted by the risk of their operations, the agency may be subject to administrative fines. In the event of minor violations, the administration of administrative fines may be waived. Intentional submission of false or insufficient information or doing so due to gross negligence, can result in fines or imprisonment of up to two years. The Icelandic Tourist Board determines whether such offenses warrant to administrative fines or referral for police prosecution based on the severity of the violation.


With the establishment of the Travel Insurance Fund by amendment of Act No. 95/2018, provisions for sanctions and penalties were strengthened to reflect the fund´s role as a mutual insurance entity. Misue of the fund, such as submitting incorrect information during the annual reassessment of package travel security, failure to report increased turnover or submitting false or misleading information about an agency´s financial standing, is subject to both administrative penalties and potential criminal charges.

The severity of a violation determines the sanctions applied. In some cases, the same violation may warrant both administrative penalties and penal sanctions.

If members of the Travel Insurance Fund fail to comply to chapter VII of the Act on Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements or disregard decisions of the Icelandic Tourist Board, the Board is authorized to impose periodic penalties to enforce compliance.

Further information on sanctions can be found here and in article 33. of Act no. 95/2018



Periodic Penalties

The Icelandic Tourist Board may impose periodic penalties on those who do not comply with the decisions of The Icelandic Tourist Board, until they do so. Periodic penalties can range from ISK 50 thousand to ISK 500 thousand per day. 

Administrative fines

The Icelandic Tourist Board is authorized to impose administrative fines on a travel agency that has provided wrong or insufficient information for the reassessment of the annual premium and security, regardless of whether the violation is committed wilfully or as the result of negligence.

Administrative fines may amount up to 5% of the total turnover of the previous year of operations for any trader taking part in a violation. In deciding on the amount of a fine, account shall be taken of the nature and extent of the violation or violations, duration of the violation and whether a violation are repeated.  

If an administrative fine is not paid within a month from the decision of the Icelandic Tourist Board, default interest shall be paid on the amount of the fine.

Violations that are committed wilfully or through gross negligence can lead to fines, or up to two years of imprisonment in case of serious offences.

If a natural person is found guilty according to the aforementioned, a judgement in a criminal case against such person may include a ban on his/her being issued a licence under the Act on the Icelandic Tourist Board, a ban on his/her serving on the board of directors of a company possessing such a license, serving as its managing director or participating in any other manner in the management of an entity that is subject to licence for up to three years.  

If an alleged violation is subject both to administrative fines and penal sanctions, the Icelandic Tourist Board shall assess whether the case should be reported to the police or concluded with an administrative decision. In case of major violations, the Icelandic Tourist Board shall report them to the police. A violation is considered major if it involves significant amounts, if the violation is of a particularly reprehensible nature or committed under any conditions that significantly aggravate the criminality of the violation. Furthermore, the Icelandic Tourist Board may, at any stage of an investigation, refer a case involving violation of law for police investigation.

Cancellation of licence

The Icelandic Tourist Board is authorised and, in some instances, obliged to cancel a licence given certain conditions. For further information, refer to a separate coverage on the cancellation of licence.

Cancellation of licence

The Icelandic Tourist Board is authorized to cancel the licence of a travel agency that fails to provide security, according to the decision of the Icelandic Tourist Board, or pay annual premium on the due date. The Icelandic Tourist Board may also cancel the licence of a travel agency that fails to provide the information necessary to assess the amount of the premium or security.  

If a licence is cancelled as the result of the aforementioned, the travel agency cannot become a member of the Travel Insurance Fund, and hence not obtain a travel agency licence, until the premiums in default have been paid, and if applicable, the Fund has been reimbursed for any amount paid out of the fund to travellers.

The Icelandic Tourist Board cancels the licence of a travel agency in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy of a licensed trader.

If a licence is cancelled due to the aforementioned reasons the cancellation of the licence, along with a call for claims, is published in the Official Gazette and in other prominent manner, as may be considered appropriate at any time. Travelers shall file their claims in writing and the claims shall be submitted within two months from the publication of the call for claims. The board of directors of the Travel Insurance Fund may extend the deadline for filing the claims by three months when special circumstances warrant. Claims shall be supported by sufficient documentation showing proof of claim. Any expenses incurred following the insolvency or bankruptcy of a trader shall be covered by the trader’s security.  

The only claims covered by the Travel Insurance Fund are those arising from the aforementioned reasons. The Travel Insurance Fund pays all legitimate claims that are submitted and enforces the trader’s security. In the event that the trader’s security does not fully cover the claims of travellers, the Travel Insurance Fund has a claim against the travel agency in question or its bankruptcy estate. A claim held by the Fund will rank in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 112 of the Act on bankruptcy etc. No. 21/1995 in the course of the bankruptcy proceedings.

The cancellation of a licence due to any other reason than the aforementioned shall be published in the Official Gazette, on the website of the Icelandic Tourist Board and in any other prominent manner, considered appropriate at any given time. Any clams that may arise are not covered by the Travel Insurance Fund and those who consider themselves to hold clams towards the travel agency must direct those to the agency.

Right of recourse

Upon the payment to travellers from the Travel Insurance Fund, the fund acquires a claim towards the trader in question or the bankruptcy estate. The Travel Insurance fund can enforce the trader’s security to settle the claim. In the event of the bankruptcy of a trader, a claim held by the Fund, that has not been paid in full out of the security provided by the trader, will rank in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 112 of the Act on bankruptcy etc. No. 21/1995 in the course of the bankruptcy proceedings.

Request for revision

According to article no. 24 of the Administrative procedures act no. 37/1993, legal representatives of travel agencies can apply for revision of the amount of package travel security. A party has the right to have a case reviewed if:

  1. The decision was based on insufficient or wrong information as to the facts.
  2. Circumstances that affected the decision have changed in a material way.

Revision must be requested within three months from the date of the decision.

The legal timeframe for requesting revision is three months form notification of the decision. Decisions on package travel security are sent to travel agencies at the end of July and hence request for revision must be filed before the end of October. The time is counted from the date of the last decision. If a case has been appealed to the minister when a request for revision is received the request will be dismissed.

A prerequisite for a case to be reviewed is that there has been considerable change of facts or circumstances affecting the decision.

Please note that a request for revision does not postpone the legal effects of the decision. Travel agencies must therefore provide security and pay the annual fee and base charge, if applicable, no later than September 1st each year, before a request for appeal will be processed.

Revision on the basis of insufficient or incorrect information

Revision on the basis of insufficient or incorrect information can apply if:

  • Turnover that is excluded from package travel security was wrongfully reported as being subject to package travel security.
  • Values used for calculating the security amount were wrongfully recorded (number of days from full payment until the start of a tour, amount of confirmation payments, average duration of tours in days).
  • If the security amount was determined on the basis of forecast for the current year and the licence holder can prove that the premises for the forecast are no longer applicable or mistakes in making the forecast have led to overestimation of turnover subject to package travel security.

The request shall be sent by e-mail to, supported by the following:

  • Detailed rationale explaining the change in premises or mistakes that occurred.
  • Revised forecast of turnover for the current year. It is sufficient to send in the forecasted turnover per month and its breakdown into turnover subject to package travel security and turnover exempt from package travel security.
  • Forecast of turnover for the first eight months of the following year per month, broken down into turnover subject to package travel security and turnover exempt from package travel security.
  • Interim financial statement for the first 6, 7, or 8 months of the year, signed by an accountant or another qualified individual:
    • Requests submitted in August must by supported by a signed 6 month financial statement.
    • Requests submitted in September must be supported by a signed 7 month financial statement.
    • Requests submitted in October must be supported by a signed 8 month financial statement.

The Icelandic Tourist Board can call for any documents deemed necessary to verify the information provided. If further information or documentation is needed, the staff of the Icelandic Tourist Board will advise on the next steps.

If the information and documents provided indicate that there is sufficient basis for revision, the case for annual reassessment is reopened in the Icelandic Tourist Board´s web-portal, and directions regarding the next steps e-mailed to the company representative.

Considerable change of circumstances since the time of decision – revision on the basis of improved financial situation

If a licence holder has been subject to a surcharge on the package travel security as a result of weak financial standing, a revision can be requested provided that an interim financial statement shows that the working capital ratio and / or the equity ratio has improved so that the criteria for surcharge no longer apply, or that the surcharge percentage will be lowered. Further information regarding the raising of security amounts can be found here.

The request for revision shall be mailed to, along with the following:

  • A written request asking for the revision of package travel security on the basis of improved financial situation.
  • Interim financial statement for the first 6, 7, or 8 months of the year signed by an accountant or another qualified individual:
    • Requests submitted in August must by supported by a signed 6 month financial statement.
    • Requests submitted in September must be supported by a signed 7 month financial statement.
    • Requests submitted in October must be supported by a signed 8 month financial statement.

Income, according to the interim financial statement, is compared to forecasted income for the corresponding months. An updated forecast is called for in case of discrepancies.

The Icelandic Tourist Board can call for any documents deemed necessary to verify the information provided. If further information or documentation is needed, the staff of the Icelandic Tourist Board will advise on the next steps.

If the information and documents provided indicate that there is sufficient basis for revision of the security amount the case for annual reassessment is reopened in the Icelandic Tourist Board web-portal and directions regarding the next steps e-mailed to the company representative.

Appealing to the Minister

The administrative decisions of the Icelandic Tourist Board can be appealed to the Minister.

A decision taken by the Icelandic Tourist Board regarding securities can be appealed to the Minister within four weeks from the date of notification to the person subject to the decision. Appealing to the minister does not delay the entry into force of the decision.

The decision to cancel a licence, issued according to the Act on the Icelandic Tourist Board No. 96/2018, can be appealed to the Minister within four weeks from date of notification. Appealing to the Minister does not delay the entry into force of the decision.

A decision to impose periodic penalties may be appealed to the Minister within fourteen days of notification to the person subject to the decision.  Periodic penalties shall not begin to accrue until this period has passed. Periodic penalties are legally enforceable after expiry of the time limit for appeals, but an appeal to the Minister will delay enforcement until a final decision has been rendered. Action brought before the courts will not delay enforcement.

Administrative complaints regarding other decisions than those on periodic penalties or securities follow the Administrative Procedures Act - No. 37/1993. The main rule is that a party to a case shall have the right to complain to a higher authority within three months of the notification to a party of an administrative decision.

Publishing and handing over of information

The Icelandic Tourist Board may publish on its website a list of licensed travel agencies holding sufficient insolvency protection.

The Icelandic Tourist Board may also hand over information and documentation necessary in the enforcement of insolvency protection to administrative agencies of other countries.