Hidden Iceland receives Vakinn environmental gold certification

The company Hidden Iceland, which received certification from the certification body iCert according to Vakinn's quality and environmental criteria last year, has now done even better and received gold certification in the environmental part of Vakinn, but before that the company had a bronze certification
The protection of Icelandic nature and the environment are very important to Hidden Iceland. All of Hidden Iceland's operations have been carbon offset from the beginning and the company is constantly striving to find ways to minimize the impact on the local environment in parallel with growing business activities. Scott Drummond, Managing Director, says: “From the beginning, we had been guided by Vakinn's quality and environmental criteria regarding the best ways to run a tourism company in Iceland effectively, and we have constantly improved over the years. We are very proud to have received this recognition now. "
We at the Icelandic Tourist Board and Vakinn sincerely congratulate the staff of Hidden Iceland on an impressive result.