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Destination management organizations to support the tourism framework around the country


Preparation for establishing destination management organizations (DMOs) in all parts of the country has been underway for some time. Agreements have been signed to establish DMOs in all parts of the country except in the capital area. The Ministry of Tourism, regional associations of municipalities, and the Icelandic Tourist Board are all associates to this agreement. The aim of the agreements is to strengthen the tourism industry's support system and promote the positive progress of the tourism industry throughout the country. The agreements are for three years, with the guiding principle being the future vision of Icelandic tourism until 2030.

Supporting regional tourism

A destination management organization is a supportive institution, run both by public and private parties whose main task is the support and growth of tourism within its region. The main principle should be sustainable growth and development in coordination with local inhabitants.

The DMOs are established in close co-operation with the regional marketing offices.

Role of the Destination management organizations

The role of the DMOs includes the following tasks that the destination offices perform in collaboration and consultation with other stakeholders:

  • Preparation and implementation of destination plans. These plans should be in line with other public policies and plans. 
  • Consulting in national policymaking and planning relating to tourism. 
  • Analyse the need for research and surveying at the national level to ensure comparability and competitiveness between regions and provide proposals and insight into the research needs of each region.
  • Promote product development and innovation alongside working on development projects.
  • Assess the need for education, participate in development projects concerning competence and quality in tourism, provide policies regarding education and share information about programs available for further education.
  • Conduct regional marketing in collaboration with municipalities and tourism operators, highlighting the unique position of the regions and supporting the marketing of Iceland as a whole.
  • Be a fundamental institution in the tourism support system within the regions. Destination agencies assist municipalities, companies, and individuals within the area for tourism according to cooperation agreements.